Many people are concerned with limiting the release of information of their case. Very few people are eligible to have their cases expunged. There is another option in some cases. Some people can restrict the release of arrest and case information after completing deferred adjudication probation. A person can then request an order of non-disclosure. A case involving family violence is not eligible for this type of order. Generally, potential employers will be able to find these records easily. Attorney should take great care to avoid family violence findings in their cases.
These limitations are troublesome for criminal defense attorneys and their clients. Tarrant County has created a sort of work around program in response. This program is the Tarrant County Domestic Violence Intervention Program. County Criminal Court No. 5 has created requirements a person must meet to participate in misdemeanor cases. If a person meets the requirements, and completes the screening, they can then choose to participate.
This program is different for several reasons. While alleged victims cannot drop family violence cases, the victim must consent to the person’s involvement. Although each person must admit guilt to enter the program, the court does not find the person guilty at that time. Instead, the court resets the case for one year. During the year, the person must pay a $100.00 fee, and attend all counseling, services, and meetings required. Once the program is successfully completed, the court dismisses the case. Many times, individuals can have their case expunged from their record.
The program is very intense. Participants must be very committed to completing the program. The statements made while in the program are not confidential. Ultimately, the Court will remove some of the participants from the program, and will convict them of the original offense.
This program can be very beneficial for first time offenders. Traditionally, criminal prosecutions focus on punishment. Also, most family violence cases remain on a person’s record permanently. Every job application becomes stressful. However, by completing the Tarrant County Domestic Violence Intervention Program, participants get important services geared towards rehabilitation. Further, participants can protect their reputations by requesting expunction two years after finishing the program.
Every case is different. By and large, the Tarrant County Domestic Violence Intervention program is great, but it may not be right for every person who qualifies. Because of the consequences of a family violence case, it is important that a person fully understands their case before making such a life altering decision.
If you have more questions about expunctions and family violence offenses call 817-231-0023 or click here to review the FAQ section of
Tarrant County Community Supervision and Corrections Department.