One of the reasons Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is widespread is that most people do not know when their Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). Smartphones and bars are popular with people in their 20’s. Everyday people find new uses for smartphones.
A former member of the Israeli military invented Alcohoot to stop Driving While Intoxicated. Alcohoot is a personal breathalyzer that attaches to Android, iPhone, and iPad. Users have to set the system up. Then, the software allows users to track their BAC.
This product is an affordable way to roughly determine a person’s BAC, and prevent DWI. It will allow the user to track their BAC throughout a night. Thus, it will promote awareness of sobriety and intoxication. The app also helps people get a taxi home or find late night food.
The inventor compared his breathalyzer to another commercial breathalyzer used by police in some states. Police officers in Texas use the Intoxilyzer5000. Until Alcohoot is shown to be as accurate as the Intoxilyzer5000, the users cannot totally rely on the accuracy. Without side by side testing, this product can only be a guide for its users.
Additionally, the application saves the user’s data. A user can disable this feature. If they do not, law enforcement may obtain the results with a search warrant.
Like all deterrent products, the user actually has to use it. Otherwise, it is just a $75.00 paperweight.
Unfortunately, the product will not be available until September of this year.
The use of this product will not be a defense to a DWI.
Once armed with this information, the user must still decide not to drive.
The Alcohoot product has a number of benefits and a number of limitations. Overall, it appears to be a step towards educating drivers. Each driver can better determine if he or she is intoxicated. Hopefully, fewer people will drive while intoxicated in Texas with more products like this.
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