After being arrested, people have a lot of questions. This is especially true with domestic violence charges. In family violence cases, clients almost always have the same initial concern. “Is domestic violence a felony or a misdemeanor?” Domestic violence charges can be a felony in Texas. Prosecutor can file felony charges when they believe certain things occurred.
Domestic Violence Felonies
Family violence is a term that has a specific meaning in the law. Family violence occurs when a person commits certain offenses against another person with special status. An alleged victim has this status if they are/were dating the arrestee or the alleged victim and arrestee are family members. The law treats family violence offense differently. Find more information about family violence offenses and their consequences on my website.
There are two types of felonies involving domestic violence charges. First, some offenses are always felonies under the law. These offenses are always felonies. However, the court can make a finding of family violence in these cases during as part of a judgment. These offenses include Aggravated Assault and Kidnapping. Please note an allegation of family violence has consequences in addition to incarceration, fines, and fees. The second type of offenses are felonies because there is a relationship between the person arrested and the alleged victim. Prior convictions involving family violence can raise new domestic violence charges to felonies
It is important to know whether your case involving domestic violence is a felony. Felonies carry longer terms of incarceration, greater fines, and more collateral consequences. If you have been arrested domestic violence charges in Tarrant County, Texas, seek the advice of an attorney to consult with you about your case.
If you would like a free one hour consultation, call my office at 817-231-0023.
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For information about the Tarrant County District Attorney -Family Violence Unit visit